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Archive for January, 2010


Wednesday, January 13th, 2010

“Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus.”

– Alexander Graham Bell

My daughter Bella Kate showing us how well she can focus at her recent birthday party.

Concentration and focus seem elusive.  Soon as the craziness of the holidays is past, many of us take the time to vision what we see for ourselves in the new year.  It appears good, often a stretch, but attainable.  Now here we are a few weeks into the new year and all the normal demands of life are upon us.  Those visions of the hope and promise of the new year seem much tougher then we thought.

These past few weeks, we’ve chatted with dozen of couples and individuals who are trying to see what this year holds for them as well.  Often when they come see us at Landed Gentry it is all about fulfilling or exploring that vision of getting into that more manageable, newer and efficient home.  The home that fits the lifestyle they want and maybe need to live.  It’s can be a big shift for some, others don’t hesitate to take make the changes they need to make.  We helped two families purchase new homes in the first week of the year.  They see effort worthwhile.  Good interest rates (even if they are just looking at bridge financing), the unprecedented $6500 Federal Tax Credit for existing homeowners, and pretty amazing pricing for new homes. 

For me the personal demand of life are never ceasing; from being part of building the family business, working with our customers, to helping my wife Alexis manage a home and a growing family, to just taking the time for self care.  Each of those segments need attention, the best attention I can provide.  So I need to focus and concentrate upon the work at hand.  When I do, I am generally impressed with results.

That vision you had a few weeks ago of how you saw your life this year, it’s still there, it’s still worth the effort. Make the time to focus on the goals, they things that are important to you.  You might even impress yourself.