Each year I begin to I appreciate Thanksgiving more. Not only the holiday in and of its self, but I have come to really value the spirit of gratitude that surrounds it. This is such an amazing time to simply reflect on our blessings, to let gratitude be on the front of our heart and mind.
This past weekend I attend an “early Thanksgiving” family event that one of my aunts held at her home. It was great fun seeing many of uncles, aunts and cousins and their kids, but the best part of the day was to listening to my 95 year old grandmother say the blessing. It no accident she is named Grace, her prayers are exceptionally reflective, in part because I believe her advanced age gives her a perspective that many of us will never know. She has seen a lot in her lifetime. I know enough about her life to know some of the pain and rough roads she has traveled. Yet this past weekend, when I listen to her words and listen to the passion in her voice, I hear the heart of a woman whom is truly thankful for her blessings.
While my lifetime has been just a fraction of hers, this is such a great week to reflect on what we truly are blessed with. For some of us our material things have changed over the years, things we once counted as blessings are no more or have become burdens in our life. That said, I am looking at my life and thinking about all I do have and am truly thankful for. I also appreciate the opportunity to show gratitude through our efforts. At Landed Gentry we are still here serving people. While we may not be building and selling the same quantity of homes that we once were, our quality and commitment is still there, helping people make their new house a home. It’s truly rewarding watching the individuals and families as they get to move into their new homes, there is the extra excitement of building memories inside of their new place as the holiday season sets in.
Over the past few weeks our Landed Gentry team has been able to be part of gratitude in action. I see it as I watch a couple with there two young boys who are moving into a custom home we just completed, or the naval aviator who has the opportunity to spend a few nights in her first new home before she is deployed oversees, and in the empty nester couple who is excited to enter retirement. In each of those people, I see and hear thankfulness. Not so much for what we have done, but gratitude for the opportunity they have to live in home that at one time was distant vision and now is a reality for them.
Personally, I am thankful for my family, I’m thankful for the amazing team of people whom I get to work along side of, and I’m thankful for the people we get to serve. It is my hope that our spirit of gratitude shows in our all our good work and efforts. Each of us has something to be thankful for. This week, I would encourage you take a couple minutes and simply think about your blessings and reflect on how you have been able to show gratefulness to others.
May the spirit of gratitude fill your life and home this Thanksgiving.